Introducing the Dartt Valve
Supercharge your downhole oil pump

A breakthrough for enhancing the performance of your downhole oil pump.

The DARTT Valve, rooted in innovative design principles and hydraulic jump theory, guarantees optimal fluid flow and eradicates common operational challenges. Bid farewell to pump inefficiencies and elevate your oil extraction processes to unprecedented levels of excellence.

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About Our Valve
The DARTT Valve is a sophisticated device engineered to address critical challenges associated with plunger pumps. Its operation is founded on a combination of innovative design principles and principles derived from the theory of hydraulic jump, as first identified by Leonardo da Vinci in the 1500s.

Downstroke Operation

During the downstroke, fluid interacts with the DARTT Valve's intricate mechanisms, including a curved bottom internal piston actuator initiating the opening of the first valve, followed by umbrella-shaped discs directing the flow towards the second valve, and a metal object with a sloped tip channeling the flow to break surface tension, preventing gas lock or fluid pound issues for a smooth downstroke.

upstroke Operation

During the upstroke, hydrostatic forces drive the ball back into its seat, and the piston actuator returns to its seat position. This phase is crucial in resetting the DARTT Valve for the next downstroke cycle.

enhancements for efficiency

The DARTT Valve's efficiency and durability are improved through design elements such as a vertical groove on the metal object to break surface tension and a beveled top point acting as a screw to enhance fluid flow during the piston's motion.

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Industry Challenges
Discover how the DARTT Valve effectively addresses the industry's most formidable challenges.

Gas Lock

Gas lock, a long-standing challenge in oil extraction, disrupts fluid production and increases maintenance expenses. It occurs in wells containing excessive gas or volatile fluids, hindering the pumping process and leading to damage in pump components due to inadequate lubrication.
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Fluid Pound

Fluid pound is a common challenge in pump operations when gas partially fills the pump during the plunger's downward motion, causing potential damage to pump components.
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Pumping Under Packer

Frequent abandonment of wells due to uncontrollable leaks through the casing has been a persistent issue, often requiring costly squeeze jobs to maintain pumping operations.
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Unlock the Full Potential of Your Oil Well
Don't even think about selling or abandoning until you've installed the DARTT Valve!


Reviews from our customers

Two of our wells were gas locked and would not pump at all. DARTT Valves eliminated the gas lock so well that we installed a DARTT Valve into every well in our field. Besides increasing production, the DARTT Valves have increased the average time between ball and seat maintenance from every 6 months to 16 months and counting.